Smartwallrtplus com: New URL Link for Money-Making Smart Wallet Application!

SmartWallRTPlus Com – The large amount of information circulating regarding the Smart Wallet application which has been declared a scam has made platform users nervous, especially those who have invested large amounts of capital on the SmartWallet site.

Actually, this problem did not happen suddenly, previously there had been many obstacles experienced by users such as not being able to access the site, not being able to make withdrawals, slow site loading, and so on.

This is what worries most SmartWallet users, both members and leaders. The news I got, they had submitted a withdrawal request 3 days ago, but until now the money has not entered the account.

With this problem, of course platform members are looking for the real cause of the problem. Some are looking in WhatsApp, Facebook, and Telegram groups. However, the average answer given by the admin is that there is a problem with the network server that lasts between 2 to 3 days.

Before finishing fixing this problem, it turns out that there is news stating that the SmartWallet site has changed its web address. It turns out that this is true, because SmartWallet itself confirmed the news.

So, is there anything that has changed with the SmartWallet application after changing the domain or link address? To find out the answer, let’s see the review below!

Reasons for SmartWallet Domain Change

Smartwallrtplus com

You all need to know, the Smart Wallet application has changed its link or domain name 3 times, where in 2023 it changed its link to and now in early 2024 it has become

Then, why do you have to change the domain, sir? Actually, I myself cannot know the reason for sure, because there are so many causes of this problem.

But in general, changing the domain is done to reactivate a website that has been blocked by Google, either because of a violation or suspicious activity.

In addition, there are many other causes, such as server problems and lost website data, being hit by jingling, upgrading server capacity and so on.

Is SmartWallRTPlus com the Same as SmartWallet?

We have mentioned, these two platforms are the same, only the link to access them is different, while in terms of how it works, appearance, and so on remain the same.

With the presence of this new domain, users can re-access the SmartWallet site to carry out trading investment activities, buy stocks, crypto, and much more.

Back to this site, of course it will bring a breath of fresh air for old and new SmartWallet members because they have the opportunity to get money in an easy and fast way.

There are several tasks or missions that you must complete, not much different, namely daily login, running investment programs, and inviting friends.

Also Read:

Is SmartWallRtPlus Com Safe or a Scam?

Actually, I have explained the answer to this question in the article whether SmartWallet is registered with the OJK, the results showed that this money-making site is not registered with the OJK so it is declared a fake and illegal investment site.

That way, the level of security of this application needs to be watched out for and questioned. Because, on average, fake investment applications will not last long on the Google page, because they will receive a report from the Indonesian financial institution to delete the site.

Maybe this is what caused the SmartWallet application to change its domain address to With this indication of fraud, I do not recommend all of you to invest in SmartWallet.

Although there are several users who have stated that they have been paid, are you sure it will always be like that? I personally am not sure, when the number of users making deposits on the site decreases, that’s when they run away with your money.

This is because smartwallet embeds a ponzi scheme, meaning that the money from one user’s deposit will be used to pay other users. So who benefits?

Of course, SmartWallet and your leader. They can profit from the deposits you make without having to spend a dime.

Isn’t it clear up to here? I think the explanation from calonpengangguran is clear enough regarding smartwallrtplus com which is the new domain link for the SmartWallet application. I hope that with this article, all readers can be aware of the dangers of investing in illegal platforms.

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